negative effect

negative effect
1. отрицательное воздействие

2. воздействие отрицательных моментов

Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. . 1995.

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Смотреть что такое "negative effect" в других словарях:

  • negative — neg‧a‧tive [ˈnegətɪv] adjective 1. bad or harmful: • The Bank s refusal to cut interest rates is having a negative effect on the economy. 2. saying or meaning no : • a negative response 3. considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person …   Financial and business terms

  • negative — I UK [ˈneɡətɪv] / US adjective *** 1) expressing disagreement or criticism a negative response a negative opinion of her qualifications a) expressing opposition to something, especially when there is a choice His answer was negative. b)… …   English dictionary

  • negative — adj., n. & v. adj. 1 expressing or implying denial, prohibition, or refusal (a negative vote; a negative answer). 2 (of a person or attitude): a lacking positive attributes; apathetic; pessimistic. b opposing or resisting; uncooperative. 3 marked …   Useful english dictionary

  • negative — 1 adjective 1 EFFECT bad or harmful: socialist policies that have had a negative effect on the country s economy | I think our relationship was very negative and destructive. opposite positive (7) 2 ATTITUDE considering only the bad qualities of… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • negative — [[t]ne̱gətɪv[/t]] ♦♦♦ negatives 1) ADJ GRADED A fact, situation, or experience that is negative is unpleasant, depressing, or harmful. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative... All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal… …   English dictionary

  • negative — neg|a|tive1 W2S2 [ˈnegətıv] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(bad)¦ 2¦(not liking somebody/something)¦ 3¦(no/not)¦ 4¦(scientific test)¦ 5¦(electricity)¦ 6¦(number/quantity)¦ 7¦(blood)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(BAD)¦ harmful, unpleasant, or not wanted …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • negative — neg|a|tive1 [ negətıv ] adjective *** ▸ 1 expressing no ▸ 2 harmful/bad ▸ 3 emphasizing bad things ▸ 4 showing something not present ▸ 5 less than zero ▸ 6 about electrical charge 1. ) expressing disagreement or criticism: a negative response a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • negative — 01. Violent movies can have quite a [negative] effect on children. 02. His discoveries in evolution lead him to [negate] his former religious beliefs. 03. His continued [negativity] has cost him most of his friends. 04. Why are you always so… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • effect*/*/*/ — [ɪˈfekt] noun I 1) [C/U] a change that is produced in one person or thing by another Scientists are studying the chemical s effect on the environment.[/ex] Any change in lifestyle will have an effect on your health.[/ex] The new tax rates will… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • negative*/*/ — [ˈnegətɪv] adj I 1) expressing disagreement or criticism Ant: positive a negative response[/ex] 2) harmful, or bad I hope the divorce won t have a negative effect on the children.[/ex] 3) giving more attention or emphasis to bad aspects than good …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • effect — 01. The state of the American economy has a great [effect] on the financial situation here in Mexico. 02. Our economy has been [affected] a great deal by the Asian economic crisis. 03. Global warming has had a significant [effect] on our climate… …   Grammatical examples in English

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